Saturday, October 17, 2009

Snickers from Heaven

Quick trip to Boston/Adams, MA yielded lots of good FKA material, including this quality pic of me stuffing my face full of Tartine goodness. Food was awesome all weekend with cameos from a contemporary bistro, surprisingly good Indian, tasty organic B&B full breakfast, and obligatory Hot Cider. However, the winning FKA moment of the weekend occurred at the summit of DQ and I's hike up Mt. Greylock.

Around the side of this monument and after unsuccessfully trying to get the auto timer on the camera to work, I looked down and amazingly saw an unopened Snickers bar lying on the ground. Before I could think I busted out saying "God loves us!!" tore it open and chomped half of it. Sigh, the impending embarrassment was almost too much, but when there's spontaneous chocolate on the ground after 2.5 hours of hiking, I call that a miracle. At least I had the sense to only eat half and share. Poll then . . . how would you have reacted?